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Trees are the answer to the global warming crisis, it's not just about planting lots of trees, there is a complicated science to trees, they release Co2 when they are harvested or when they die or fall, they can take some years to reach maturity, some are not good in forest fires, some need huge amounts or water and there is the question of how much Co2 they absorb and how much oxygen they release, there are also trees that can absorb methane and benzines and other toxic chemicals,


The amount of Tons of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere. The world emits about 43 to 50 billion tons of CO2 a year, this is the total carbon emissions from all human activities.


 We can change our energy, transport, production methods and so on, but we need a way of soaking all this toxic chemicals up, and also converting it to oxygen, so by using the correct select few trees we can do this effectively, we do not need 1 trillion trees to offset the Co2, below we have put forwards some trees for the global warming challenge, and we will also explain about tree positioning.



Geo thermal rising carbon sinks are a great way to use nature to convert chemicals into oxygen, from the plants above we can convert Co2, methane, benzine, xylene, formaldehyde, toluene and many more, so we can use these near industrial places to help soak up the pollution and also convert it into oxygen, but we may be able to use it as an natural carbon filter, we could use a underground piping network from the smoke plume, that is released into a low ground plant canopy, then into a mid range bush canopy and then a tree canopy, we could even use peat moss soil if it is kept damp as it will expel the Co2 trapped once it dries, but if it is kept damp it will lock up all the Co2 you feed it, but really if we used snake plants and Chinese evergreen on ground level, bamboo grass for mid level and a tree canopy of moringa and Aleppo pine, collectively they could act as a 3 stage filtration catching the first emission's low ground then the escaped emissions would be soaked by the bamboo, then the tree canopy would collect the rest, this could be a natural way of not only storing the Co2 and chemicals but to also convert it into oxygen, as long as the pipes are open ended so there is no back pressure we could create this woodland to soak up nearly all poisonous chemical in industrial applications, the only downside is placement and space to put this, but where there is space this could be done and would be the best carbon sink capture available and its 100% natural.

Below you will find a diagram of this natural technology.



By building a 4 layer canopy using plants bushes bamboo and trees, we have a 4 layer filtration system using nature, this will also convert it into oxygen, using these collection of 5 plants and trees we should eliminate all chemicals, the snake plant absorbs over 15 chemicals beyond any other plant on earth closely followed by the Chinese evergreen plant, the bamboo, Aleppo pine and moringa tree are the 3 biggest Co2 absorbing plants and trees on earth whilst also being the biggest oxygen producers, the conversion rate from this canopy if done right would be 100%, pipe network from factories can go underground to a woodland area close by or further if needed, it can go as far as the pipes will take it.


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These winds bring hot air down towards the Antarctica area, this hot air accelerates the melting of the glacier, if we plant trees in the pointed out areas this will act as a barrier, it will help filter out the hot sands, but also, it will increase oxygen levels, the higher oxygen levels will cool the air in these winds, even if it is just 1 degree, it will make a difference.

In this section you will find where to plant trees for lowering air temperatures in jet streams that take hot air  to the polar regions, also we will show ways to plant large numbers of trees very fast, we also need to change a technique we are currently using to protect seeds from the birds, currently they use a plastic tube that's 2 ft above the land so the birds don't eat the seeds, this plastic very rarely gets removed, trees have never needed a plastic tube in billions of years, so how do we plat thousands of trees easily, the answer is simple, imagine a few tractors ploughing a field, then you have a low Passover plane, similar to the planes used in forest firefighting, but instead of just water they have millions of seeds pre-germinated in the water they drop, the best way to germinate a seed is to soak it in water, so if we soak lots of native trees to the area or the ones mentioned above we can easily spray millions of pre-germinated seeds onto a ploughed field, along with grass seeds and plant and bush seeds, this will quickly build a authentic woodland area, in random patterns just like nature is, we then do a Passover followed by another Passover with top soil, then just one more with water, then we just let nature take it course, this will be the quickest and easiest way to plant very large areas for forests or woodland.


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Chinese Evergreen aka Areca Palm

The Chinese Evergreen is one of the most common household plants and for good reason. This plant emits a high oxygen content while purifying indoor spaces of harmful chemicals such as benzene, formaldehyde and other toxins. As its name suggests, it is quite popular in China specifically for its high efficiency in removing harmful pollutants from the air.

As with all plants, the Areca Palm is biologically engineered to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. However, what sets the Areca Palm apart is its ability to also purify the environment it’s placed in by removing dangerous chemicals such as formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.

This plant does not have to be a house plant it can flourish in the wild, using these in industrial areas or as part of a geothermal rising carbon sink would be beneficial.

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Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are actually very important for the eco system, they are one of if not the only or few tree that absorbs methane from our atmosphere, we use these unaware that they are actually the best tree from methane absorbency, they absorb Co2 and methane.


Snake Plant 

Snake plants, along with spider plants and peace lilies, are reportedly very effective at cleaning the air, removing toxins such as formaldehyde.


However, further studies are needed to determine the true extent of these plants’ air-purifying capabilities! Sansevieria trifasciata, a type of snake plant native of tropical Africa, yields a strong plant fiber and was once used to make bow strings 

Considered highly efficient in oxygen production, the Snake Plant otherwise known as the Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, is unique for its night time oxygen production, and ability to purify air through the removal of benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene and toluene.

The multiple chemicals this plant can absorb is beyond any other plant of tree on earth, this should be used in industrial areas, it can also be used in smoke plume designs, or underground piped network using geo thermal rising Carbon sinks, using peat moss, snake plants, Bamboo grass and a canopy of trees like the Aleppo pine tree, can effectively remove all or most chemicals from a factory smoke plume.

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Bamboo Grass

Bamboo grass is going to be an amazing choice for battling global warming, it has many benefits, they can grow up to 2" an hour.

Bamboo strands release 35% more oxygen than equivalent stands of trees, Some bamboo even sequester up to 12 tons of carbon dioxide from the air per hectare. Bamboo can produce 62 tonnes of oxygen per acre per year and absorbs 88 tonnes of carbon dioxide per acre per year.

They are also a very large consumer of water so these will be beneficial in flood prone areas, they will help reduce flooding and can be used to channel water into certain areas.

They are very resilient and because they are a grass and not a tree, the rhizome roots of bamboo plants live to produce more shoots. Because the bamboo doesn’t die, it doesn’t release its carbon sink the way a tree does after it’s cut down.

Also the wood they produce is very strong and has many applications.


Neem Tree Azadirachta Indica

Neem trees are beneficial in more ways than just Co2, the neem oil produced from these trees is the best pesticide you can use, it is 100% effective and it is 100% natural, we need to stop using pesticides on agriculture crops, they cause endless environmental problems, they kill bee's as well and we have an emergency situation with the Bee count as there numbers are diminishing.

current pesticides are causing Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium and Mercury to soak into our soil, we are finding these chemicals in high concentrations in baby food, and all food, this is because of current farming methods using poisonous pesticides and fertilisers, neem oil can replace all the pesticides sold on earth with a 100% natural harmless answer.


Peepal Tree

Peepal tree provides 24hrs oxygen (yes! even in nights) tirelessly during its long lifespan It plays a vital role in protecting the ozone layer.


It absorbs harmful gases like carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide etc. Its leaves are highly sensitive to air pollution


Acacia Tree

Acacia trees have a very high Co2 absorption rate, 5 Tons of Co2 per year can be absorbed from this tree per hectare, making it a good tree in the battle against global warming, it does take a while to reach maturity 40 to 50 years but it has a life span of around 700 years, but when the other short lived trees on this list die or get harvested this tree will come into effect, we need a varied of trees that live between 80 to 3000 years, its a mathematical challenge to get this right.

Studies show a significant decrease in both carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the environment where these trees are planted. The results show a reduction in air PH, being more alkaline and less acidic. Toxic gases create an acid PH, which is the primary source of diseases, such as cancer.


Moringa Tree

Moringa trees are one of the fastest growing trees on earth, they also have one of the highest Co2 absorption of any other tree, they also have a high Co2 to Oxygen conversion ratio making it one of the best trees in the global warming battle, other benefits are its compact size, this would be a good tree for city's and towns where space is limited, being close to where the Co2 is being produced is key to fixing the air composition, it is not that effective having all the trees in the middle of countryside or in the amazon, we need trees at the Co2 chocked areas



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Aleppo Pine aka Jerusalema Pine

Aleppo pine aka Jerusalema pine is one of the quickest growing trees available, it also has the highest Co2 absorption rate of any tree and reaches a good level of maturity in around 6 to 10 years, it can start growing female cones in as little as 4 years.

These trees can grow in any climate, any altitude, there drought resistant and don't need hardly any water at all to thrive 300mm annually is all that's needed, it is the perfect climate tree, they do well against frost as well, they are a pyrophytes species so the effects of fire can be antagonistic: if moderate, it helps pine cone bursting and seed dispersion, they can absorb 50 tons of Co2 per year this must be a first tree of choice along with the Moringa tree for city's and town with high emission levels.

Sumerian, Egypt and all religions hold the pine cone it was also a sign to use pine trees for absorption of Co2, the humble pine signified the pineal gland and enlightenment, the jerusalema pine is a sacred tree and will be excellent in the fight against global warming.

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