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Green house gases are one of the drivers of global warming, these are not actually damaging in them selves it's how they magnify the light or the soar radiation that is the problem, many scientists refer to this as how they store heat, when really it is how they magnify the heat, think of the gases as different strength magnifying glasses, methane is 30 to 80 times more damaging to our planet, because it can magnify the solar radiation 30 to 80 times more it does with Co2, so the PAR active radiation level is increased, we also have nitrous oxides that can be 300 times more damaging than Co2, this creates a problem with the way we use measurement, especially in pie charts, if we have 6% nitrous oxides and 65% Co2 and nitrous oxides are 300 times worse then the real problem would be with nitrous oxides and not Co2, this page is going to put into context not the amount that is in the air, but the thermal value, this is best done in points, so if nitrous oxide is 300 times worse, 1% nitrous oxide vs 1% Co2, would mean that the nitrous oxide is 300 times worse so we should treat it like there is 300 times more nitrous oxide than there is Co2, this can get confusing and some complex mathematics will be needed but we will try our best. so by judging 6% at 300 times worse than 65% we get 9150 times more damage from the smaller 6% of nitrogen oxides.


Air composition is a complicated science, it is not just about what percentages of each green house gas is in the air, this is a problem because more models follow this rule, no one is really developing the data to reflect the independent increase from different chemicals for instance methane is 30 to 80 times wore than Co2 and Nitrogen oxide is 300 times worse than Co2 but we are all focused on Co2, this models need to change if we are to understand what air composition is and how to factor in these calculations when we approach air composition, we could be focusing on the wrong things to stop global warming, below you will see a pie chart with the 4 main green house gases, we will show another chart below taking into consideration the independent qualities of each compound, to give an accurate pie chart not of the amount but of the damage, this is how we need to look at this to calculate the damage from each source. 

We will also be including many other chemicals that are not included in these charts like benzine, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, aluminium oxide, hydrochloric acid, xylene, methyl bromide, toluene, sulphuric acid and many more, we need to do this because if there is even only .5% of benzine and lets say it is 3000 times worse than Co2 then we have other areas to focus on that will be causing more damage than Co2.

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