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Light pollution is causing some problems, this is an underestimated problem we have, we understand that we have light pollution as it stops us from seeing the stars at night, you can see the light from space, but this is actually a problem for us, many lampposts use HPS lighting high pressure sodium light bulbs, these use a lot of energy, there rated between 250w and 1000w depending on where the street light is, motorways use more powerful ones, also they use warm white light in the same kelvin range as what flowers and plants need to flower, basically the light spectrum in summer is polluting the earth in winter, this has slight effects on pollination.

In this page we will discuss the effects light waves and light pollution have on pollination, also the effect it has on wildlife, and the effect it has on Bee's, together with the energy demand these lights put on our strained energy grid, and the operating costs of keeping them going and turned on at all times, we will show new lamppost design in diagrams that are self sufficient and do not connect to the energy grid.



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